Stressed Out of Balance

In order for you to reach new levels, you have to maintain a sense of balance in all areas. 

We strive and strive for what others say could be ours if we work hard. For many of us, working hard creates an imbalance in the non-work-related areas of our lives. 

Have you ever woken up one morning and did not recognize the person looking back at you in the mirror? What was that like? What thoughts ran through your mind? The person staring back at you probably looked tired, exhausted, and was being drained of the vibrancy they once held. 

You had no idea that pushing your limits to get to “that level of success” would rob your life of other areas that had once been full. Stress had set in and started to show up in ways that only your body would recognize as a stress response. You recognize that this stress response is connected to how stress used to manifest itself within your body as a child but you thought you left this vulnerable part of you in the past. 

The “old” you would have gone for the superficial cure and been back to “normal” but you know that if you do that, you will never understand the lesson that is being presented to you now. Instead, you decide to walk alongside your body, mind, and spirit to see if they will fall back into sync on their own. You notice day in and day out as stress in your body continues to grow – it serves as a confirmation of the negative and lasting physical impact that came from putting your body through extreme measures to achieve success. 

And it hurts. It hurts because you know that you could have taken care of your mind, body, and spirit better. It hurts because you are hurting in ways that only time and patience can heal. Weeks go by and you are looking for new ways to heal only to find out that those new ways require developing new mindsets and taking personal responsibility. 

You find yourself looking for healing on a metaphysical level and tap into the divine creator who leads you to a healer that gives you similar tools but packaged differently. You are reminded that how you heal is different from those around you. You are also reminded that what you need physically, mentally, and spiritually is different from what others need. 

You are back in that mirror. This time, the face of a familiar person shows up in the reflection. A person who looks less depleted and remembers to practice the healing tools they've gradually learned. You can feel the balance shifting and an alignment within the mind, body, and spirit start to return. You know that this is the beginning of a new level, but you have new awareness: In order for you to reach new levels, you have to maintain a sense of balance in all areas. 

The key takeaway here is when you are elevating it is easy to forget about practices/exercises that you once did to help you get to your current state. You have to be mindful to reinvest all the energy that you put into achieving your goals back into yourself, so you can continue to grow. 

What areas are out of balance for you? How can you come back to yourself? 


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