Healing Traumatic Memories with EMDR


Dina Saadi, “Butterfly Hug” Mural (2019)

Dina Saadi, “Butterfly Hug” Mural (2019)

You have been having flashbacks for a as long as you remember but they come in bits and pieces. It seems as though the flashbacks occur when there is a trigger but you are not clear about the specific trigger. Throughout the day you often find yourself “staring off into space,” and when you come back to the present moment it feels as if you were “gone” for a few moments but in fact it was a significantly longer time. People often comment that it seems like you are present physically but not mentally and emotionally. 

You don’t really understand what is happening because you feel “okay” but you know that there is something wrong. You know that below the surface there is a great level of hurt that you need to process but you are unsure as to what it may look like if get help. 

I help women with practical tools and strategies to navigate negative internal stimuli (memories, physiological responses, etc). After the first session, you will have a better understanding of your readiness for EMDR along with possible target areas for EMDR processing (including distressing memories and current situations that cause emotional distress). 

Over time, you will develop specific skills and behaviors that will aid you in future situations thus having transformed the wounds that once hurt. 

If you are ready to move from the distress of disturbing memories and actions to robust emotional and intellectual health, contact me for a consult.

Want to learn more about EMDR therapy?