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Everyone has anxiety. If this is true, then what does it mean for you? 

Dahlia Rose Therapy & Wellness Center offers Anxiety & Stress Management Therapy in Philadelphia and New Jersey. Schedule your Consultation today.

Smiling Girl

Your anxiety appears unique because despite dealing with it, you can function well.

You achieve all your goals, manage a busy schedule, attend various events and activities, and still maintain an upbeat overall personality. Therefore, why is it that your anxiety seems to show up when you least expect it, and when it does, it's like a cascade of negative thoughts that keep going and going like a broken record? 


Does this sound like you...

You procrastinate behind closed doors.


Mustering up the energy to get things done feel overwhelming.


You over-plan with the hope of covering all bases.


You try to be ready for whatever comes at you


You overgive so people can express appreciation and gratitude for what you do.


You may overwork because that is the area in your life where you feel most accomplished and valued.


Perhaps you overanalyze everything and everyone. Are you super critical of yourself, using the same measuring stick for others?

You tend to overdo things because achieving more leads to rewards. Listing your accomplishments and accolades is critical to maintaining the version of yourself that you have created. These tangible forms of validation remind you that you are worthy and valued and reinforce how you have learned to thrive in the world, whether emotionally, mentally, relationally, or financially.

On the other hand...

You find it challenging to know what to do next because what comes next requires you to have another plan in place. Subsequently, you are emotionally and mentally exhausted from trying to hold everything together while portraying this image as someone who has it all together with others.


As a result, you either create more ways to stay busy, but it feels like you are just going through the motions, or worse, you find yourself sitting on the couch for blocks of time thinking about what you should do without true clarity for what to do.


It's almost like a fog or a haze that provides the comfort you need to stay right where you are possibly, but a desire to know if the sun will shine if you keep moving forward. You want your anxiety to stop controlling and overwhelming you. But it's been around for so long, and there's a learned comfort, too.

Deciding to do something different is scary

Because everything else you have done up to this point has been out of the need to survive (within the family system, friend groups, workplace, education, romantic relationships, and more).


You are not sure what managing your anxiety will look like because you are not someone who sees yourself as having mental health issues. However, you know that something has to change sooner than later because if not, the world you have built has the potential to collapse. 

Our trauma therapists have a long history of working with clients who have different forms of anxiety, where we teach:

Assessment of Anxiety Impact

Evaluate how anxiety manifests daily, including thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Building Healthy Relationships with Anxiety

Create emotionally and mentally nurturing environments to foster personal growth, self-exploration, cooperation, and creative expression.

Identifying Safety and Trust

Learn what you need to feel safe and trust yourself and others as you rebuild your foundation with healthy experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Expanding Creative Expression

Tap into your creativity through guided imagery, visualization, affirmations, future scripting, and other techniques to develop a psychologically safe environment for yourself

...And Much More

Our therapists offer additional strategies and tools tailored to your unique needs and experiences

Our clients vary in their anxiety experiences...

but at the core of the problems they present, everyone is seeking an understanding of how to regain control over how and what their life looks like without causing more psychological harm to themselves when challenges show up without warning.


As a result, our clients walk away with tools and strategies to think themselves to healthier realities by learning to trust what they believe and feel and feel safe in who they are now and becoming.


Ready to take control of your anxiety and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling life?

Schedule a consultation today to discover how our trauma therapists can empower you with practical tools to manage anxiety effectively, build resilience, and foster self-acceptance. Gain the confidence to navigate life's challenges with clarity and ease.


Don't let anxiety hold you back – take the first step towards a brighter future now.

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