Dahlia Rose Wellness

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The Race to 2021

The year is coming to a close and many people are so ready for the clock to strike midnight on Jan 1, 2021, that they are racing from point A to point B. They have forgotten that there is a lot of life in between the two points. The life that lives between the two points is space for reflection. 

Reflection is a necessary tool when ending and beginning. It allows you to sit with everything that has happened not only this year but things from the past that may be connected to the decisions you made this year. Reflection gives us perspective. It allows us to look at things with a magnifying glass in order to assess areas where we have had significant growth and other areas where we need to grow more. It also brings us back to Gratitude. 

We tap into gratitude because we no longer see the things that we are being called to do through rose-colored glasses because our VISIONS are clear. We are also more aware of the areas we need to develop and maybe even why those areas were underdeveloped in the first place. 

Reflection and gratitude gives us the blueprint for the next level of our growth. Growth is something that we all want but it can be a difficult experience because it requires you to let go of preconceived notions about who you used to be and it makes you learn about who you are becoming. This level of growth requires you to take inventory over and over again. 

Before running full speed ahead into 2021, STOP for a moment and ask yourself the following questions: 

  1. Have I given myself the time to really sit with everything that has happened to me in 2020? 

    1. If yes, what have you learned about your experience this past year? 

    2. If no, why not? 

  2. What changes was I able to make in my life this year? 

    1. How do you feel about them now? 

  3. What have you learned about yourself? 

  4. In what ways has this past year taught you to care for yourself and others? 

  5. In what ways has this past year opened your eyes to things you once saw through rose-colored glasses? 

Once you have answered these questions, read over your answers. If there is anything that jumps out at you, take some time with that, and explore deeper. 

Remember, 2021 is coming but 2020 is not done yet. Do not rush a lesson just to get to the test. 
